Sunday, July 24, 2011

Soo Flippin Sweet!!!

So to continue with my amazing 4th of July week, I will now discuss the awesome project that Alecia and I completed!  First I was so very excited when she had suggested that she would pack this awesome record stand that had been in her family in her car, and drive it up with her so we could paint it. I LOVE that idea!!!   So that is what she did!!!  
Oh hey, how you doing awesome stand?  You ready to get the crap painted out of you? Well first we must prime with a stain blocker.
Because the piece was older and dark we primed it twice.  The hardest part was the innards because of the dividers, and the pretty squiggle work on the side. (Thats professional furniture speak, just in case you were wondering!) It was wayyyyy easier to use a little paint brush to get the squigs.
We then took this paint and painted our little hearts out. Well They painted their little hearts out, I was working.

(Since it has taken me about a couple weeks to write this post I have some DIY update.  Alecia has since then taken the stnd home and had a really hard time covering the stain that pops through. She also has added some fantastic little knobs!)

1 comment:

  1. It really did become much more of a project that Molly and I had anticipated. However, the finished result is both what we had imagined. If you're dying for the finished product (you probably are) Molls can copy my photo from facebook and post it here for your viewing pleasure.
